Principles of Faith with Scott Gray

In Proverbs 2:1-5 we have a promise of receiving wisdom, understanding, and knowledge from God.

 How do we activate that promise in our life? 

  • Receive His Words;
  • Treasure His commandments (His Words, His Will, His instructions);
  • Make our ear attentive to His wisdom;
  • Incline the heart of our soul to His understanding; (More)
  • Cry out for (earnestly seek)  His discernment;
  • Lift your voice for understanding;
  • Seek after and search, as though for hidden treasure

He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity. (vs.7)

When you receive it, God’s wisdom will enter your heart and His knowledge will be pleasant (received)to your soul.  This is all in the “soulish” realm of us! (Our born again spirit is already enlightened.)  (vs.10)

God’s purpose for giving us wisdom, understanding, and knowledge is “to deliver us from the way of evil.”